Live Event Videographers in Edmonton
For almost 15 years Reel Mensch's Videographers have been capturing events in Edmonton and abroad.
Our Process
The nature of live performance is such that once the performance is over, it only exists in the viewer’s memory. To get the most out of your live performance it is so important to capture it on video.
Reel Mensch Productions has been involved in the capture of many types of live performance, including; Dance performance, Concert performance, and Sports.
Many of our clients sell the DVDs we create for profit, and some give them as gifts to the performers or audience. Years later, it is incredible to look back and watch yourself perform. With live streaming & webcasting, we are able to broadcast your live event across the globe. We can live-edit multi-camera angles, and include graphics, name bars, and so much more to enhance the live presentation.
Groups that use us to capture their concerts have a great tool to advertise their abilities to venue booking agents, or managers. Reel Mensch Productions captures live performance with great expertise. We use High-Definition Professional equipment, and our cinematographers are terrific.
Live Event Videography Gallery
Aradia Fitness Showcase - Live - Promo
Skate Canada, 2015
Norman Rice & Friends - Christmas Special
Knock School of Irish Dance
Lovercup - Paula Perro
University Lecture - LIVE STREAM
Call us any time at 780-263-4533 Email us at